We have been in business for 300 years since our establishment in the Hoei era. Saruya’s toothpicks are made of spicebush wood, which has been regarded as high-class wood from the old days. Our toothpicks are all made one by one by hand, so even an experienced craftsperson can make only around 400 per day. These rare toothpicks are regarded as a delicate specialty of Edo even today.
Ibasen was founded by Ibaya Kanzaemon, a merchant from Hamamatsu who went to Edo with Tokugawa Ieyasu.Edo fans (uchiwa), born in Nihonbashi, Edo, are made entirely from split bamboo, including the handle and bone.An Edo fan is a fan with a picture design. We are committed to the inheritance of traditional Japanese culture, especially Edo culture, and incorporate Edo designs and colors into the design of our products. Our materials are carefully selected.
Aesthetic sense of tango kyoto,300 years in the making.
“ kuska fabric ”
kuska fabric interacts with each material, and takes the fluffiness, shade, and gentle texture created by the handiwork of artisans, alternating one right twist and one left twist of the weft yarn at a time, to the future. kuska fabric aims to be the one and only global brand “with the pride of 300 years of beautiful manufacturing of tango textiles.”

“ MIYASHIN ” The weaving house of Miyashin has long been nourished their arts in the sophisticated silk tradition of Tango Region, Kyoto.
Miyashin started to weave fabrics for Kimono accessories in the Meiji era. In 1978, we developed polyester Chirimen crêpe. Modern and ambitious, Miyashin is not limited in silk but always in search for new materials, from natural to synthetic fibers and composite materials, thus developing original and unique fabrics.